Are you using AI yet? πŸ€–

Happy Monday, Reader

How's your week been? I'm traveling this week* – a recap is coming in next week's email!

*Don't forget you can find daily posts from my trip on Facebook & Instagram!

Today I'll keep it short and sweet in the same format as previous emails...

--- The Ultimate Explorer Competition ---

I finished #2 again last week, which reduced us down to the Top 10 – apparently my group is quite competitive!

I need to finish in the top 5 this week to continue to the next phase, which I'm not *too* worried about... but I would love your votes all week! Click here to vote, and thank you!!!

Also, if you are thinking of donating, please hold off this week; I have a fun initiative I'll be announcing last week when I'm trying to "win" my group, so I'd love you to save your enthusiasm (and money πŸ˜…) until then!

--- This Week's Travel Discussion ---

For today's travel discussion, I've got one for you:

Back in May 2023, I asked my Facebook group if they were using AI to plan their trips yet... Just 2% said yes.

I wonder: has that number changed?

Are you using AI tools to plan your trips?

(This might include ChatGPT or similar tools, or the "AI" tools in search results on Google or Bing...)

Hit reply and let me know – I'm super curious how much this has changed in the past year!

Okay, that's it for me this week. Look for my Alaska cruise recap next week – plus an important update on the Ultimate Explorer competition!

Until then, stay well and safe travels.


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P.S. Just want some travel content? Here are five resources from my archives:

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