πŸ‘‹ Long time, no email! How ya been?

Happy Wednesday, Reader

Somehow it's been three weeks since my last email – I think I definitely should have taken a planned summer break from emailing, like I have in years past... rather than leaving you hanging wondering where oh where is Valerie's email this week? whatever will I do without it?!

(Because I know you've definitely been thinking that πŸ˜‰)

In any case, hi! Good to see you! Welcome to August! Oh, and Baby V is six months old today!

Time is flying, my friends!

As I know many are new around here (and I need to update my About Us page once we get some good family photos in Anchorage next month to explain this), I want to state again that Mr. V and I have decided to keep her identity private and not share photos of her on the internet... this is SO HARD as she's very cute and I know you would love her goofy smile, but instead, I'll just share some fun facts about her so far:

  • She loves veggies (broccoli and pumpkin are faves), but not fruits (not even banana or peach!)
  • She isn't quite crawling yet, but loves to stand up
  • While she loves momma and daddy, her favorite beings in the house are the kitties – perhaps because they want nothing to do with her πŸ˜…
  • She seems to love novelty and new places, so we're hopeful that Alaska will be a good trip

As I've alluded to, my next Alaska trip(s) are coming up fast: we're headed to Alaska for a family cruise in a month, and then I'll be back in Anchorage for a work conference a few weeks later. So if you see someone who looks like me in Alaska in September, it just might well be! (Say hi!)

I'll share more about those trips in an upcoming email though, of course, I have to keep our personal safety in mind as it's never wise to share your exact travel dates and plans on the internet! πŸ€ͺ

Next week, I have an exciting piece of news to share, so yes, you can keep your eyes peeled for that email – I promise it'll arrive on Monday!

Until then, stay well and safe travels!


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P.S. Looking for some travel content instead? Here are five resources from my archives:

P.P.S. You can, as always, find a "weekly recap" of my latest posts on both Instagram and Facebook!