What do you shoot with? 📸

Happy Monday, Reader

As mentioned last week, I'm simplifying these emails for the next few weeks. They'll be shorter and have two main sections – so let's dive in!

--- The Ultimate Explorer Competition ---

First up, an update on the Ultimate Explorer competition: I made it to the top 15 last week (and was #1 in my group). Thank you to everyone who voted after last week's email, as it helped me pop back to the top of my group in a snap 🫰

This week, they're trimming to the top 10, so if you want to vote for me, I really do appreciate it!

For those of you who have voted, supported, shared, and sent words of encouragement so far, I can't express my gratitude enough; special thanks to Stan (twice! 🙏), Carol, and Kathleen for your donations.

Also, they did the 2x donation votes again last week, so if you are considering donation votes to the National Park Foundation, Wednesday is the day to make your donation work double-time for me in the competition (if they offer it again). You do not have to donate to vote!

Here's on to the top 10 and beyond! 💪

--- This Week's Travel Discussion ---

This week, I'd love to know: what do YOU use as a camera when you travel?

Is it your smartphone? A DSLR? Something fancier?

I'll be taking three cameras to Alaska this week*:

  • my iPhone 15 Pro
  • my old school/film Canon Elph which shoots Advantix film (I'm getting prints made to make a photo album for Baby V!)
  • my Camp Shoot camera, which is digital but pretends to be old-school/film

Hit reply and let me know!

*Oh yeah, we're headed to Alaska! If you want to follow along, I'll be sharing daily stories on Facebook and Instagram, so be sure to follow me on either or both platforms.

Next week, I'll be back with a similar email! Until then, stay well, and safe travels.


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P.S. Just want some travel content? Here are five resources from my archives:

Thanks for supporting my blog by reading! 🫶