🛤️ What's coming down the pike for me and this site...

Happy Monday, Reader

In my last email, I mentioned I was going to start taking the second week of the month off from blog work – and I think (or I guess based on not emailing last week) that includes my emails if I don't get my thoughts scheduled to send in advance.

Anyway, how are you? How was your week last week? I got some things done around the house and our rental units, plus worked on some other projects that might become a bigger focus in the coming months.

Additionally, I had some time to think about my different sites and what I might do going forward. Since you're subscribed to my emails for general travel advice (this email, every Monday(ish)), I thought you might be interested to know what I'm planning.

In short, you're going to start seeing blog posts for some other destinations on my site. Not about Alaska, and not even about the American West... soon you'll see some articles about the Great Plains states, road-tripping across the U.S., and the country of Jordan (the results were pretty split when I asked if any folks in my Facebook community were interested in that destination 😅). You might even see some posts about London, too, as that's another site of mine that's just in the 🚽

I won't be promoting those blog posts much beyond mentioning them in the P.S. to these emails sometimes, and in my weekly recap posts on Instagram and Facebook. I know those aren't the destinations you know me best for – or necessarily trust me to be an expert about – but I do travel to lots of places beyond Alaska and the West, and those resources will soon be all in one place on my site.

I thought you'd be curious to explain why you'll start to see those posts – and to share what I'm doing to try and stay committed to this one site as my main business focus... and keep encouraging travel, too, of course!

I'll wrap it up here, but see you next week for more personal/travel/business musings!


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P.S. Looking for some travel content instead? Here are five resources from my archives:

P.P.S. You can, as always, find a "weekly recap" of my latest posts on both Instagram and Facebook!